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HHHHHHHHHHHHHSoy un párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y edítame. Soy un lugar ideal para que cuentes una historia y permitas que tus usuarios conozcan un poco más sobre ti.B

For once our school magazine Angel's Dreams, is  on a web site keeps its commitment to the promotion of english language in our institution. We're really glad to present you our new online edition which this time comes with full creativity places and so many surprises! now it is such an amazing englsih wonderland.



In this 21st century version, we've include original articles about music, books and another institutionanl projects that are being carried out by english teacher and other departments, we also want to show THAT THE ENGLISH IS THE FUNNIEST LANGUAGE THAN EVER! 

un lugar ideal para que cuentes una historia y permitas que 

Angel's Dreams web site is a IED Veintiun Ángeles publication

Principal: Edgar Alfonso Velasquez.

Coordinator: Claudia Barrera, Silvia Umbarila, Kenia Robles, Stella Mosquera, Neris Galván.


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